Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love. —Brené Brown
“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.”

Brené Brown American scholar, author, and public speaker

Self Care
Pass It On®
Pass It On®

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Your Comments
Julie Bjerke MA LADC from Hinckley MN.  OCTOBER 25, 2021
I am giving this quote to one of my patients who is completing her 1st 30 days of abstinence from illicit drugs. Its fitting, thanks for the great inspiring quotes and photos.

Bob from New Jersey OCTOBER 19, 2021
Share what you have with others, as it will come back to you better

Mariana Miller-D'Alessandro from Bronx, New York SEPTEMBER 10, 2021
Yes, we need to talk to ourselves with love -- to meet the challenges and heartaches and celebrations! God bless! Mariana

Peter Zaragoza Workforce Development Board of Solano County from Northern California SEPTEMBER 10, 2021
The world needs more self-care and understanding!

Darlene Bethany MAY 26, 2021
Lift yourself and others up daily!!

Ronald Martin from Stokesdale, nc AUGUST 9, 2019
I love talk to someone to make a difference in life.

Alice from Wells, ME AUGUST 6, 2019
Let’s do this 😊

Betsy AUGUST 6, 2019
Each and everyday....

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