When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. —Jimi Hendrix
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

Jimi Hendrix guitarist, singer, songwriter

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Your Comments
Ellen from Alaska MARCH 30, 2022
Beautiful… 🙏🏼💕

Anonymous MARCH 11, 2022
Be aware of how you react to things during the day; try to remain calm and compassionate.

Debbie from 33446 SEPTEMBER 30, 2021
Hope springs eternal🧚🏻‍♀️

Judy from CA JANUARY 13, 2021
So very true! Let's spread the power of love and find peace.

Pammi Achle from Kutgaon SEPTEMBER 20, 2020
Very nice

S Sujoy from Bangalore JUNE 24, 2018
Love is the glue which binds humanity.

Cheryl from East Norriton PA OCTOBER 18, 2017
Hi.. Cheryl again.. Need to finish up my comment.., I am very grateful for these messages that bring hope and humanistic concepts tog which this world is in dire need, moreso than ever. Thank you for these inspiring quotes. Hopefully we will come to see acceptance, peace and love; not only for our sense of well being and humanity; but for future generations to come!

Carla Burridge from Sandwich Massachusetts  OCTOBER 18, 2017
Love of power is a corrupting influence on people

alexis from 72 mandeville MARCH 20, 2014
awsome job