Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. —Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”

Harriet Beecher Stowe author

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Your Comments
Toria FEBRUARY 11, 2025
Great message 💕

Kris from Ohio FEBRUARY 11, 2025
This is exactly what I needed to read today, considering my current circumstances. Happy Black History Month!!!

Tammy from Graham, Wa MAY 29, 2016
Awsome quote, you can never give up cause then what's the since of it all

Nina from Bahamas MAY 21, 2016
Very inspirational. Giving up means that you have let the situation or problem win. You have to keep hope alive and know that as long as you have breath you can conquer anything this life throws your way.

Cecilia from Valenzuela City, Philippines MAY 20, 2016
I love these quotes. I am a school principal. I needs quotes for my teachers, friends and strudents. I am leading a group and have to share quotes for the group members and parents. Thanks indeed.

Jo from Terrell, N.C. MAY 20, 2016
Tides Turn, just Go with the Flow

Deborah MAY 20, 2016
Need to contemplate this often.

charles from lomita MAY 20, 2016
love this quote. keep on trying

Dianne k from Cleveland MAY 20, 2016
Keep running the race the reward is awesome

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