A leader is someone who demonstrates what's possible. —Mark Yarnell
“A leader is someone who demonstrates what's possible.”

Mark Yarnell

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Your Comments
Anonymous JULY 24, 2018
Great quote, we all should strive to be leaders.

Anonymous (Below) from Somewherevilleroadplace MARCH 2, 2016
This quote is great for a paper I'm writing. I suggest this quote if you need a personal quote.

Anonymous from Somewherevilleroadplace MARCH 2, 2016
Great quote

hussain from pdtr OCTOBER 23, 2013
nothing to hide

Skip H from NJ AUGUST 9, 2012
If you do their job, you haven't led.

Skip H from NJ AUGUST 9, 2012
We run the danger of trivial observation being the measure of achievement.

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