If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

 —Henry David Thoreau
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. ”

Henry David Thoreau naturalist, author, philosopher

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Your Comments
Julie from New York APRIL 14, 2020
Marching to the beat of your own drummer is the best thing to do! I would rather be unique!

Silvia from Tanzania,Arusha OCTOBER 26, 2016
it's really nice to have guys online!!!!!!!!!!you are so brilliant and good motivators

Bill from Tacoma, WA OCTOBER 25, 2016
I always marched to the beat of a different drummer. My drill sergeants were not fond of this!

Papa Lawrence from Colorado Rocky Mountains OCTOBER 24, 2016
I've always been the "different" one. But, only as an older adult has that worth been recognized.

Sophie from Oregon OCTOBER 24, 2016
That reminds me that we all grow at different paces. Thank you!

Linda from Colorado OCTOBER 24, 2016
Our differences are what make us interesting.

Dee from Texas OCTOBER 24, 2016
So true

Jan from Pennsylvania  OCTOBER 24, 2016
Well said. Worth remembering when finding fault in others.

TONYA from Wisconsin  OCTOBER 24, 2016
So True ~

Sheila from Connecticut OCTOBER 24, 2016
My Grandmother said that about me when I was growing up!!

Genni from New Hampshire OCTOBER 24, 2016
So pertinent for my journey!

Tera from Mansfield, TX OCTOBER 24, 2016
Exactly, let him be uniquely him. He will in his own time move at the pace of his heart song.

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