Never, never be afraid to do what's right. —Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Never, never be afraid to do what's right.”

Martin Luther King, Jr. minister, civil rights activist

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Your Comments
Anonymous AUGUST 15, 2019

Anonymous JANUARY 21, 2019
Another hero! An exemplary humanitarian we can honor today! A fearless and wise man, spiritual leader, and crusader for human rights.

Rebecca from New Zealand SEPTEMBER 22, 2015
I love this quote so much that I am using it in my speech and formal writing for English.

Veronica from Jamaica JANUARY 21, 2014

Paddi from Los Angeles JANUARY 20, 2014
Can it be said any better by a great man.

Earl from England DECEMBER 11, 2013
Can anybody tell me where this quote is from? What is the reference source. Thanks

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