When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. —Alexander Graham Bell
“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”

Alexander Graham Bell inventor

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Your Comments
Troy from Austin, TX OCTOBER 6, 2016
This words are true and could never be said better!

Lorna from Kingston SEPTEMBER 7, 2016
Awesome. Words

David from Minnesota  SEPTEMBER 4, 2016
Another moving quote by the great Alexander Graham Bell. Good one, thanks.

Ceasar from NY AUGUST 11, 2016
True. We are fixed in our ways and afraid to enter another door

maureen from Orlando,FL  AUGUST 7, 2016
Yes, thats so true we keep focusing on the closed door and not thinking that there's yet another way

Anonymous AUGUST 4, 2016
Very nice quote.

Silver from Port Orford oregon AUGUST 3, 2016
Much needed reminder!

Anonymous AUGUST 3, 2016
Love this. So true!

Diana from Greer, SC AUGUST 3, 2016
This is so true when we look for to long and open the wrong door. Great quote.

Alan from Temecula, CA AUGUST 3, 2016
Truer words were never spoken! LEARN from the past, but LIVE in the PRESENT!

Eugene from Eufaula, Oklahoma.  AUGUST 3, 2016
Good morning, I really enjoy this quote. If we change our thoughts to a positive level of Right Thinking, Right Emotions & Right Desire which it will take training to put our mind in that direction we will begin see these doors opening and closing.

Linda from Horseshoe Bay, Texas AUGUST 3, 2016
Watch out for doors!

Anonymous AUGUST 3, 2016

Joe from NSB,FL AUGUST 3, 2016
Words of Wisdom from Alexander Graham Bell

Anonymous AUGUST 3, 2016
Words of Wisdom from the past.

Lisa from Massachusetts AUGUST 3, 2016
I LOVE this particular quote because it's SO personally meaningful for me. I've wasted a lot of energy on many things. Namely, my estrangement from my immediate family, the fact that I'm still struggling in my life and I've yet to find lasting peace. Yet, perhaps there's a more optimistic way for me to look at things. I know many very talented people and I was born surrounded by a lot of talent, but not many opportunities. Perhaps that's the way it was meant to be. If people truly believe in this quote, they'd also know that.

Lydia from New Orleans,La AUGUST 3, 2016
How true that is especially in my case,never saw the open doors,but stood in front the closed doors of life

Sandy from Dolph AUGUST 3, 2016
this is so true Alexander

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