Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave. —Indira Gandhi
“Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave.”

Indira Gandhi Prime Minister of India

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Your Comments
Pakaliwan from Papua New Guinea  JANUARY 19, 2018
In deed! It makes the heart merry

Cloe from Australia  MAY 9, 2017
So true, so very very true

mikey from india MAY 9, 2017
Same like do good and forget

Margaret R. from P.R MAY 8, 2017
That's very true! we have to start with, me!

Anonymous MAY 8, 2017
Wonderful quote, not all of us can forgive as we should.

Ralph from St. Mary's, Ohio MAY 8, 2017
So true, to forgive is divine.

Steve from NC MAY 8, 2017
True words!

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