Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. —J.K. Rowling
“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”

J.K. Rowling novelist

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Your Comments
rick from missoula mt AUGUST 12, 2020
very empowering, and I can use this nearly every day for renewal when I fall down .....and I will and I will

Sinan from Canada SEPTEMBER 13, 2018
Your quotations inspire me. I find myself repeating them over and over again when I’m alone

Gaston from Philippines DECEMBER 12, 2017
This is hauntingly true... I do sometimes wish I could start all over again, right from the lowest point in life when you had nothing, just so I know exactly how I'd climb up from there.

Ceasar from NY OCTOBER 31, 2016
True. Only from the bottom you can know your mistakes

Anonymous OCTOBER 30, 2016
Undaunted courage to go beyond seemingly insurmountable obstacles !

silvia from tanzania,arusha OCTOBER 25, 2016

Patty from Ari OCTOBER 20, 2016
Thanks Justin & Julia , we are 65 & 62 years old, your comment has touched us deeply.

Rachel from San Francisco OCTOBER 20, 2016
Now I understand why the Harry Potter books were so "magical". She knew what it's like to start from the bottom, as we all must do.

eiman from cairo OCTOBER 20, 2016
i just can never get enough from the values and inspiration you feed me

Justin from Hollywood FL OCTOBER 19, 2016
There is only one way to go and that is up forget the past the future is now God bless all of us

Louise from Prince George, B.C. OCTOBER 19, 2016
Thank You, Values! I first noticed your commercials and had to find out who was passing on such an awesome display of kindness and a wonderful reminder to all of us.Now I receive your daily emails and they always bring a smile to my face and make me remember the wonderful little things that truly make life matter! Thank All of You at Values for putting out the good vibe!:)

Julia from Austin, TX OCTOBER 19, 2016
Be strong no matter the problem!

Patty & Doug from Arizona  OCTOBER 19, 2016
This is EXACTLY us turning our life around, simple living without stress. Tiny house completed by solar panels & a sun shine cooking oven!

Mr. Luna's Class from California OCTOBER 19, 2016
This is an awesome quote. It's very true, and we like how she uses her words. When you hit rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up.

Anonymous OCTOBER 19, 2016
I love what your foundation has done to remind all of us that there are many reasons to wake up and go out to inspire others to do kindness and acts of love to go forward in a world where people have forgotten about what's important

Anonymous OCTOBER 19, 2016
Thank you for your inspirations.

Faith from Iowa OCTOBER 19, 2016
Amen! Rock Bottom does not need to be the end, but a brand new beginning. Each day start fresh...

Mardi from CA OCTOBER 19, 2016
done that

Mz OCTOBER 19, 2016
Amen! Been there,done that

Liz from CT, USA OCTOBER 19, 2016
She is truly my hero.

Allan from Victoria, BC OCTOBER 19, 2016
And I have never looked back

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