A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. —Roald Dahl
“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

Roald Dahl British novelist

True Beauty
Pass It On®
Pass It On®

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Your Comments
Dorthea Litson FEBRUARY 18, 2019
So true! Having good thoughts and strong heart is great.

Anonymous FEBRUARY 15, 2019
It’s true!

Sue from Pa OCTOBER 25, 2017
Thanks for this

Anonymous MARCH 31, 2017
Refreshing me. Thanks.

DJ from Detroit AUGUST 13, 2016
I wish everyone thought this way

Roxanne from Texas AUGUST 12, 2016
We all have friends whose faces shine like sunbeams. I thank God for them!

Pauline from Arizona AUGUST 8, 2016
I love this quote.. as a teacher I will share with my character counts students grade 3rd-5th

joyson from kollam JULY 22, 2016
thoughts are the directors in life. be positive always

Debatosh from Kolkata, India JULY 21, 2016
Liked the way Good thought has been represented here

Nancy from Brooklyn NY JULY 21, 2016
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder as the adage proclaims. It is ur intellect and disposition which make u an outer shining star.

Ina from Pittsburg ca JULY 20, 2016
A great affirmation!

Tammy from Graham, Wa JULY 20, 2016
Thank-you for that awsome quote! It made my day!

Sondra from Phoenix JULY 20, 2016
This is so true and I have never heard it put so beautifully.

Erika from New Jersey  JULY 20, 2016
That will set the record straight once and for all.The outside will fade away but your inner beauty will shine

Terry from Port Arthur, Tx JULY 20, 2016
This one will get passed and posted to my wall so that I see it often as a reminder to do my mental clean ups! Thank you - for all these!

Irene from Washington JULY 20, 2016
This is the best quote about oneself that I have every heard!!

Joe from NewSmyrnaBeach, FL JULY 20, 2016
Totally Agree with this sentiment! Is is not how pretty you are Outside but the Quality of your heart, and integrity that makes you SHINE!

Diana from Greer, SC JULY 20, 2016
This quote is so refreshing in these times when so many are doing so many ugly things because of ugly thoughts

Terri from Missouri NOVEMBER 20, 2013
This is perfect for posting on the bathroom mirror.

steven from Nariobi NOVEMBER 15, 2013
nice comment

Dawn from Connecticut NOVEMBER 12, 2013
I agree...and have had the privilege of meeting some fantastic "sunbeam" people...

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