As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. —John F. Kennedy
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

John F. Kennedy 35th US President

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Your Comments
Mark Evans from Fort Wayne, IN NOVEMBER 24, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Carolina from Wyndmoor, PA DECEMBER 2, 2018
Great words from my favorite president. Thanks!

Anonymous NOVEMBER 23, 2018
Something to think about

Patrick Colvin from Cleveland, Ohio NOVEMBER 22, 2018
True words~

Anonymous NOVEMBER 22, 2018
If you want to get rid of stinky thinking then get an attitude of gratitude. Have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Bernadette  DECEMBER 17, 2017
Perfect. This is very true. It conforms the popular adage that says, action speaks louder than words.

Anonymous DECEMBER 15, 2017
What a great quote! :} :} :]

Kathy from Port Oxford oregon DECEMBER 13, 2017
Golden rule...remember that?

Sandor from Oakland DECEMBER 13, 2017
Gratitude is more than just a feeling or a thought. It's a deep understanding that I'm in the grace of life it self and the force that has created it. Gratitude in action can been seen in great many people. Voulanteers, cregiman, puplic servents , cops , fireman , etc...

Anonymous DECEMBER 18, 2015

Pankaj from Nagpur. India NOVEMBER 25, 2015
Values. com is a superb site, fantastic quotes.

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