Peace begins with a smile. —Mother Teresa
“Peace begins with a smile.”

Mother Teresa founder of the Missionaries of Charity

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Your Comments
Ohide Gabriel Kurado from Aweil State MARCH 12, 2020
Smile relieved work days stress, when you received smile from the other end, you will feel happy as well other persons

Jane from NYC DECEMBER 24, 2016
A smile opens up lots of doors.

RJ from Valley of the Sun DECEMBER 23, 2016
Very true! People who smile make a difference. Smile and the world will smile back!

Gale from Florida DECEMBER 23, 2016
So true......Smiling brightens your day and others you meet..

Shirleen from Arcadia, CA DECEMBER 23, 2016
It's free and yet so valuable.

Mary J. from Rochester, N.Y. DECEMBER 23, 2016
Something we all can and should do. Merry Christmas to all

Anonymous DECEMBER 23, 2016
Peace to all, and to all a great weekend wherever you are. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, and Joyous Celebration with Family!

GRACIELA from Nogales, az DECEMBER 23, 2016
When a smiling kid looks back to me it makes my day!!!!

Laura Chavez from Pomona Ca DECEMBER 23, 2016
I like it

Bonnie DECEMBER 23, 2016
So's as simple as that!

Papa Lawrence from Colorado Rocky Mountains DECEMBER 23, 2016
So true! When you cross paths with someone and your eyes meet for a second, try smiling! Almost always, they will smile back!

Anonymous DECEMBER 23, 2016
Wonderful quote. So simple to do- just smile.

Frank from Cheshire  DECEMBER 23, 2016
So true

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