I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book. —J.K. Rowling
“I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book.”

J.K. Rowling novelist

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Your Comments
HMApple from PA JANUARY 11, 2018
I don't just believe it........ I know it.

Beatrice Anyango from ngong OCTOBER 10, 2017
good things May happen

Derrick from Nairobi AUGUST 6, 2017
I once heard that we travel in books, well, i live in them

Pam from Alabama AUGUST 6, 2017
I have ALWAYS loved to read.

Michael from Ghana Accra  AUGUST 6, 2017
Every good book have a good value

Judi from PA AUGUST 5, 2017
I enjoy a little magic every day.

James from Utah AUGUST 4, 2017
I must confess, I am a compulsive reader.

Dave from 48134 AUGUST 4, 2017
You use your eyes, brain and not the Internet

Joe from Barre, MA AUGUST 4, 2017
It sure can! Read to learn!

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