Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available. —Jim Beggs
“Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available.”

Jim Beggs Author

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Your Comments
Anonymous OCTOBER 24, 2017
That's so insperational

David from Davis, California OCTOBER 11, 2017
A frown can cost you way more than it's worth (which is usually less than zero). While a smile returns the quickest dividends and costs nothing more than investing your dimples (or growing them). :)

Robert from delaware SEPTEMBER 15, 2017
The only thing that will stop you is your mind. Your mind is telling you to quit your body is telling you to quit. Don't let your mind slow you down

jerry from North Carolina SEPTEMBER 12, 2017
what an awesome observation, seek and ye shall find, always look to present the pleasant, pleasing,portrait, " A smile

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