Kindness isn't about the thanks you get. It's about the act itself. —Joshua Williams
“Kindness isn't about the thanks you get. It's about the act itself.”

Joshua Williams Activist

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Your Comments
Cathy from Oklahoma City, OK OCTOBER 10, 2017
I Love This! I just told my little 7 year old daughter this very thing two days ago.

Hollie Walton from Lumberton, NC OCTOBER 8, 2017
If the world would share more acts of kindness, we could have a little taste of heaven here on earth!

Sandor from Santa Barbara  OCTOBER 6, 2017
Kindness is simple and humble, it cares, it understands, it loves, it embraces, and it's all incompasing. If it was universally applied by all humans at the same time, it think that might be heaven. To practice kindness begins with one kind act.

C. Caswell from U.S.A. OCTOBER 5, 2017
Love is a powerful thing ,You can get "to keep"!! Passion with Love.

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