The easiest way to make an impact in your community is just to be kind. —Joshua Williams
“The easiest way to make an impact in your community is just to be kind.”

Joshua Williams Activist

Pass It On®
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Your Comments
Zipporah Israel from Georiga OCTOBER 9, 2017
This has made my day. For this is what I teach in my Children's organization "A Creative Genius" he is living proof of what we are about. I love this. Great and powerful work Joshua Williams. I appreciate you for being you.

Joan moss from Rocklin ca OCTOBER 8, 2017
I think human kindness is one of the best things in life it's not what you do it's why you do it human kindness why because it makes you feel good to make someone else smile I think world will be a better place if we have more people thinking of others when you can put a smile on someone else's face that's thanks enough thank you human kindness

Anonymous OCTOBER 6, 2017
Very good quote,kindness will always make us feel better about ourselves and others.

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