True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are. —Brené Brown
“True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.”

Brené Brown American scholar, author, and public speaker

Including Others
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Your Comments
Michelle Chandler-Barnes from Thornwood, NY SEPTEMBER 8, 2018
Each person has a vast amount of gifts and unique talents. We should recognize each other for our individual talents and abilities. There is beauty and grace in all things because the possibilities of life are endless.

Carol from Port Chharlotte FL AUGUST 31, 2018
We need to know that every day someone is struggling to just make it through that one day. A little act of kindness can change their "troubled day into a moment of love and acceptance for them." We have the power to be the best of mankind but we also have the power to be the worst of mankind. I want to be the best and sometimes it is hard. So just smile and try to find be beauty in this world and in others.

Anonymous AUGUST 29, 2018
This is so beautiful and true. I am printing it and hanging it in my office.

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