There are no mistakes in life, only lessons. There is no such thing as a negative experience, only opportunities to grow, learn and advance along the road of self-mastery. —Robin Sharma
“There are no mistakes in life, only lessons. There is no such thing as a negative experience, only opportunities to grow, learn and advance along the road of self-mastery.”

Robin Sharma Author, speaker

Pass It On®
Pass It On®

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Your Comments
Heidi A Robinson from Apache Junction, AZ MAY 30, 2019
I agree with this one, and All of your Daily Quotes, and Television ads. Keep it up, and Expand your Reach of Inspiration in any and Every way you find.

Deb Young from Waukesha, WI MAY 11, 2019
Well said, I absolutely agree 100%. I have learned so many lessons in life and it has made me a better person and grown with those lessons. I enjoy helping other people with trying not to make those hard learned lessons. I pass it on.

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