There is no such thing as a perfect parent so just be a real one. —Sue Atkins
“There is no such thing as a perfect parent so just be a real one.”

Sue Atkins Television presenter, parenting coach.

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Your Comments
Cathy Griffin-Felder from Hilliard, Florida JUNE 18, 2019
Amen, If there were more parents out there stepping up to their responsibilities this world wouldn't have all this hate & crime!!! Most these kids get into trouble because they are just looking for attention, acceptance & their parents LOVE!! " TAKE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR YOU ACTIONS & MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE!!"

Lori from Eastern US mountains JUNE 18, 2019
As a parent of grown children I found this so healing. I never was perfect, but I was very real with my kids & step-kids. I hope they will appreciate this now.

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