“As was demonstrated during the 9/11 tragedies and during other emergencies across Maryland and the Nation on an almost daily basis, the heroism and diligence of America's firefighters and first responders is crucial to the health and safety of our communities.”

—Paul Sarbanes

This picture was taken on the afternoon of September 11, 2001 as three New York firefighters raised an American flag at Ground Zero.

Determination. Pass It On!

Pass It On®

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Your Comments
Cam F. NOVEMBER 2, 2023
Never Forget

Steve A from Alabama OCTOBER 16, 2018
As a retired big city professional firefighter with 27 years service I am constantly reminded on 9/11 of the exceptional courage and sacrifice the New York firefighters exhibited that fateful day. Most of them, especially the veteran firefighters knew they probably wouldn't be coming out when they went in, but did so anyway to save the lives they could. While we tend to put overpaid sports and entertainment celebrities on a pedastal, we should really remember those who contribute directly to our well being, fire, police, medical professionals and our brave service members.

Birginia from Paradise tx JANUARY 4, 2018
These are GRRRRREAT!!!

Trent SEPTEMBER 12, 2016
This picture makes me sad because people hating people to where they would kill innocent people.

Belinda from Texas APRIL 2, 2016
Love your tv messages and your website! So uplifting to see with so much hollywood mess on tv! We are so blessed to have you.

Ernst Pearsall from New York MAY 29, 2014
The simple thing so many New Yorkers learned that day was to say "I Love you" to those that matter, every day.

Jesus Silva from Houston SEPTEMBER 14, 2013
Do not design your future from the present you have today, design it from the future you want.

Evan K from Stittsvile Ottawa ON  OCTOBER 16, 2012
That is very sad :( I hope that in the future we can all be friends.

nathan from ottawa OCTOBER 12, 2011
this is a great story! Wow it is just so touching to the heart, it was so awesome

Sarah from Colorado SEPTEMBER 17, 2011
Through the pain and the stress, America will always stand.

Mariann W. from Seattle, WA OCTOBER 16, 2010
These billboards are inspirational. I print a few at a time and post them in my office in clear view so that I remain focused on the important things in life. Thank you for these!

Aaron, S from Desert Hot Springs, Ca AUGUST 9, 2010
That day showed the world that America is about spirit; that it doesn't matter what you do to us, that we will always give our all; to protect each other's dreams and hope.

Cruz L. from Las Vegas Nevada JUNE 1, 2010
I think 9/11 was one of the most disastrous times in human history. The firemen that helped really didn't have to, they did it to help their country and to make the world a better place.

C G from Louisiana DECEMBER 12, 2009
I see some of these billboards every time I go to school. It's little things messages like these that motivate me to keep going.

Calib C. from Adrian, MI SEPTEMBER 25, 2009
This billboard shows that we, as Americans, have the heart and strength to overcome such a loss.

Danielle C. from Philadelphia, PA JULY 19, 2009
I have faith in humanity every time I see this picture.

Melanie W. from Virginia JUNE 17, 2009
I love this billboard. To remember that day always makes me sad and proud at the same time. Sad that so many lives were lost but proud that we came together as a country and helped one another. May we never forget!

Ayodele O. from Nigeria MARCH 28, 2009
Very one came to the planet earth for a purpose and we in one way or the other will fulfill our purpose before we leave this world or it will be a great shame that we came and leave our part unfulfilled.

Ashley H. from Tucson, AZ FEBRUARY 27, 2009
Every time I see this, it brings tears to my eyes. I truly believe that through all the darkness comes light.

Schonna H. from New York, USA OCTOBER 13, 2007
I have never been so inspired and moved to tears by words that so eloquently define a moment.

Katie C. SEPTEMBER 21, 2007
It is amazing.

Marie S. from Fort Drum, NY JULY 13, 2007
This billboard takes my breath away. And I truly believe that "Life isn't about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away." (Heidi Wills) I lost my breath that day. Thank you for reminding me of a moment when I lost my breath only to retrieve it.

Pelumi from Nigeria JULY 9, 2007
only the wise can dance the melody of life

Chad W. from Utah, USA MAY 17, 2007
I will not be the same, ever!

Emma S. from Nauvoo, IL APRIL 9, 2007

emily p. from locust grove oklahoma APRIL 5, 2007

Here are some other billboards you might like.