School Principal donates wages from night job to students in need

School Principal donates wages from night job to students in need

March 9, 2021 by Cathy Stack

When Henry Darby, a beloved school principal at North Charleston High School learned that some of his students were in desperate need, he was determined to help. He decided to get an overnight job at Walmart in addition to his arduous day job. His entire paycheck from the night job is generously donated to his students whom he calls his grandchildren.

Henry’s endurance seems almost superhuman to most.  Incredibly, Henry works the graveyard shift at Walmart from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. stocking shelves three days per week after working his day job as Principal. His motivation was ignited when he heard how some of his students had fallen on hard times. The principal was overwhelmed with emotion as he described going to the home of one teenager and saw their difficult situation and heard stories of other students sleeping under a bridge or in a car.

A high percentage of the student body at Henry’s high school live below the poverty line. The community was further impacted by the pandemic.  Henry’s donated funds go straight to assisting his students and their families with purchasing basic school supplies, food and household bills such as heat and electricity.

"At my age, we don't ask for money, we just don't. You just go ahead and do what you need to do," Henry said.

Henry hoped to keep his second job a secret.  He was humbled and surprised by all the attention he received after his students learned about his second job.  He said the only thing that he wants in return is that his students one day pay it forward and help others.

Henry credited his mother for teaching him the value of aiding others without receiving anything in return.   She taught him the value of giving back to the community.  His own dreams of being an educator became a reality because of his mother’s sacrifices so he wanted to pay it forward to his students.   He noted that the greatest thing we can do as human beings is to help one another. Henry said in doing so we might not change the world, but we just might change the world for one person.

“I am an optimist, but I am also a determinist.  I know that it is going to get better.  I know that these times will not always be with us.  I know that my students will not always be in poverty.  I know that because that is what we are.  America makes it better for everybody,” he said with steadfast resolve. 

Walmart surprised Henry with a generous $50,000 check for his school to honor him for his selfless act. Henry said the donation will go far in helping support his students.

PassItOn and The Foundation For A Better Life believe that Principal Henry Darby is a true hero for going the extra mile to support his students.  He sacrificed his funds, time, and his sleep. His caring action demonstrates the value of character.  Please help us celebrate this true hero, by sharing his heartwarming story. 

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School Principal donates wages from a night job to students in need! #character #passiton When Henry Darby, a beloved...

Posted by Foundation for A Better Life on Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Image credit - Facebook
Pass It On®


Your Comments
Lea from Aurora, Il MARCH 11, 2021
What an inspiring story! I know how hard it is to work in a school so I can’t even imagine how he did it. Such love and compassion. His example is the best lesson we can all learn from

Pat pugh from Bastrop Texas  MARCH 10, 2021
Such an inspiring person - think of ways to carry it forward.

Mariana Miller-D'Alessandro from Bronx, New York MARCH 9, 2021
What an inspiration this wonderful man/angel in our life -- thank you for sharing this strong story of Henry Darby's path of help to his students!

Kalindi from Kentucky MARCH 9, 2021
Mr Darby is a true American hero , a true human being ....God bless you sir and others like you .

Geri Jackson from MS MARCH 9, 2021
We should love each other like this ❤

Mary Ellen McAnany from Philadelphia, PA MARCH 9, 2021
Principal Henry Darby is a loving example of what genuine caring can do for others. The impact of this man who cares so deeply is a lesson for all of us in these frightening times. Principal Darby's unselfish choice to share his goodness, the values his dear Mother taught him - shows all of us the difference goodness to others can make in this world. May our dear Lord be with you & yours, Principal Darby as you continue to share your love & generosity. It is my hope that your goodness will spread to others as we all try to follow your example in bringing our world back to peace. Your 'Grandchildren' will hold you in their hearts as they live & share what you have shown them. To say 'thank you' doesn't seem hardly enough. Take care of YOU, while you are taking care of others. With my love, admiration & gratitude, Mary Ellen McAnany

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