“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate, is strength undefeatable.”

Helen Keller author, lecturer, activist

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Your Comments
Teddy Mubiru from Uganda JUNE 3, 2020
I love this quote. It's so inspiring me🙏

Anonymous JUNE 27, 2019
I remember posting this a few years ago and it showed up in my memories a bit ago. I’m pretty sure it crossed my path when we were doing the real estate stress as you now are. Give yourself permission to embrace the adventure that it is and believe that wherever you land was meant to be. Chins up. Enjoy the ride. That quote is from Helen Keller. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Tami Starks from Alabama JUNE 24, 2018
I love this quote by Helen Keller. We are both native Alabamians. My very first book report was about her. I still go back and read her biography from time to time. I also bought that very same book I first read in Elementary school. So thankful that a friend of mine let me know about the book sale

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