“When Justin is on the baseball field, he is part of a team like all of his friends and is treated just like any other kid.”

—Teresa Stokes

"My son Justin was born with Cerebral Palsy. At first we were worried about how he would adjust to being different from those around him, but Justin's determination, warm smile, and zest for life have brought admiration and appreciation from everyone with whom he comes in contact."

Justin's first love is baseball. For several years he has played with the Miracle League, which is a league of kids with physical and mental challenges that have the opportunity, thanks to a specialized field provided by various donors, to play baseball. They have "angels" that help push their wheelchairs along the bases, parents and families constantly cheering them on, and fans that come from miles around just to see them play. No one keeps score, everyone gets to bat and everyone wins.

"When Justin is on the baseball field, he is part of a team like all of his friends and is treated just like any other kid. Through this experience, he has been able to discover his unique talents instead of focusing on his disabilities. He has realized that his disease does not have to limit what he can accomplish. Justin is incredibly strong and he has taught me that life is a journey with endless opportunities to become more than what we are."

Opportunity. Pass It On!

This billboard about Opportunity features Justin Stokes and the Miracle League.

Pass It On®

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Your Comments
Anonymous NOVEMBER 2, 2017
i love this story

Julian from Vermilion DECEMBER 15, 2015
this is very awesome if you keep trying you will achieve your goal

callah from beafort SEPTEMBER 26, 2015
Justin seems very nice

Xander from Elwood SEPTEMBER 23, 2015

Miranda from Platteville SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
Go you!!!

Miranda from Platteville SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
I think he is a very smart boy

Corra from Knox Pennsylvania JANUARY 27, 2013
This is really awesome!!! My life is completley about playing softball and I couldn't imagine playing in a wheelchair. Everyone should read this and realize how lucky they are for the slight imperfections they have. I know I did!!!

Joshua peterson from Mequon, WI JANUARY 8, 2013
I'm currently in a chair eating a piece of matzo, and opportunity is definitely not something I took advantage of today considering i was home sick from school. I just spent my whole day sleeping and only got up to write a summary on three of these articles for class. Next time I'll remember Justin :)

MsT from Conyers, GA AUGUST 8, 2012
This is my son, Justin, on this billboard. Words can never express how proud I am of him and how wonderful it is to know that his life is inspiring others!!!! He is my daily inspiration and devotion!

Emily from Indianapolis MARCH 22, 2012
Go You !

KelishaBowersock from Indianapolis, In MARCH 22, 2012
This billboard really touched me. Even though he has a disability he still works hard to reach his goals in life. Keep your head held high and your mind wide open to new things. If you work really hard to acheieve things in life it shall come to you, but if you dont work hard you wont succeed.

Kolby Lane from Texas  MARCH 30, 2011
That's great! Keep shooting for your dreams , because you can go really far in your life! I have never known anyone with Cerebal Palsy, but I know that you are doing something great! I hope all your dreams come true because you deserve it! I love to play sports ,but I have never thought of such a great idea!

Marie Vallad from Swart Creek, Michigan MARCH 15, 2011
A year ago I saw your Preparation billboard along I-75. It now sits along I-69 just West of Flint,MI. Since then, I have noticed other billboards along I-75 heading North to my Dad's. I love them, find them so inspirational and if I were teaching today, I would have several of the posters lining my classroom walls. I enjoy seeing them so much. I never liked billboards, but now look for yours along my travels. Thank you.

Sarah T. from Lexington, SC MAY 20, 2010
I'm so glad you are still pushing forward!!!

Lauren C from Ann Arbor MARCH 12, 2010
I love this story. It has touched my heart.

Jeanine from Washington, D.C. FEBRUARY 26, 2009
The Christopher Reeve, "super man" and the one with the man who climbed Mt. Everest blind brought tears to my eyes. Why do people complain when others who have it worst can do it!

Aaron S. from Paragould, Arkansas FEBRUARY 13, 2009
My dad was born a regular kid but he died. The doctors brought him back to life and he developed Cerebral Palsy. He told me do not claim it as a disease but as a challenge. It has not been easy but we make it through. This billboard reminds me of him because he still does everything he has wanted to do in life.

Zach P. from ON, Canada JANUARY 13, 2009
What is His Full name?

Lauren from New York, USA OCTOBER 10, 2007
It's amazing how these kids don't give up on their life just because they can't walk! Those are the kids who are going to make a difference in the world someday!

Jeff D. from California, USA SEPTEMBER 13, 2007
Yo that's cool that you play baseball in a wheel chair! Way to go!

Lizzy H. from Charleston, South Carolina USA AUGUST 27, 2007
My children with autism play on the Charleston Miracle League. The best day of the week is Game day! I'm so proud of all of the children, the volunteers and everyone who loves putting great effort into providing our kids the chance to play baseball. Thank you!

Sarah M from Springville, Utah AUGUST 6, 2007
I really want to teach my students to work together and to support each other. I want them to realize that they all can be winners if they work together. This story can help me to teach them these concepts.

Paigeo P from USA JUNE 4, 2007
I really like this one. Everyone should be treated equally!!

Gaylord Tanjuan Gonzales from Manila MAY 1, 2007
When the opportunity comes grab it and do your best!

EG from NYC APRIL 21, 2007
Very creative, inspirational and it gives us hope.