
Mark Twain was the wit of the west. He began as a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River. Later he tried many professions trying to find his place in the world. In the end, thankfully, he found what most of us need-a little humor in everyday life.

“Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often,” said Twain.

We’re sure your listeners will enjoy his uplifting observations. Humor . . . Pass It On.

Humor Pass It On®

Live Read for Radio Stations

Maybe he was born with his witty humor: "Some people bring joy wherever they go. Some people bring joy whenever they go." -Mark Twain Or, as a frontier newspaper reporter: "There's nothing to be learned from a second kick of a mule." -Mark Twain Maybe he got his insights from being a riverboat captain: "Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." -Mark Twain Wherever he went, Mark Twain found humor all around. Humor. Pass It On. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It

Stations: Thank you for using the live read copy and airing the pre-recorded PSAs—we are happy to make these messages available for you and your listeners. Please note that The Foundation for a Better Life does not sponsor any type of program. Therefore, we ask that when using the Live Read copy or the PSAs please avoid language that indicates any sponsorship. We would appreciate your using the phrase: "This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It"

Pass It On®


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Your Comments
Peter mulanga from Zambia MARCH 12, 2022
So inspiring words

Nancy from New Jersey JUNE 11, 2021
I like this Pass It On radio ad with Mark Twain cause He found Humor all around which I like.

Be sure to listen to our other Pass It On® radio PSAs.