
Anne Frank, whose remarkable wisdom still inspires us was an example of perseverance under difficult circumstances.

She left her timeless treasures in a diary. She penned, “Whoever is happy will make others happy.” Simple, but profoundly practical. Another timely insight was, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” She left much for us to ponder.

Most of all... she gave us Hope. Pass It On.

Hope Pass It On®

Live Read for Radio Stations

Her words weren't written under peaceful shade, but under fear for her life. "Everyone has inside, a piece of good news." For two agonizing years she worried about being caught by the Nazis. "The good news is, you don't know how great you can be." Though her story ended early, her words live on. "I don't think of all the misery, but the beauty that still remains." With her positive outlook, Anne Frank continues to fill us with hope. Hope. Pass It On. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It On.com.

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