
There is a special something about successful people. Even when they fail there is an inner strength that keeps them moving forward. Popular books share insights and often delve deep to explain this phenomena with sports legends, business executives, scientists, inventors, educators and artists.

We think you will enjoy a charming but instructional moment in a young ballerina's life with Justin Bieber's "Born to Be Somebody." This young girl reminds us that underlying every accomplishment in the face of opposition is the all-important trait of Confidence... Pass It On.


MOM: Jessica! We need to leave right now!
JESSICA: I need to get something.
BROTHER: Dance recitals are so boring.

There's a me no one knows, waiting to be set free.

MOM: So what's the empty suitcase for?
JESSICA: The grand prize trophy!
DAD: Duh!

SUPER/VO: Confidence. Pass It On.
The Foundation for a Better Life.

Confidence. Pass It On!

Pass It On®


Your Comments
Tom from New York FEBRUARY 25, 2025
I teared up.

Patricia Hughes from Dublin, Ohio OCTOBER 21, 2021
I Love this little girl's confidence in herself. It is so adorable that she has so much confidence that she is winning the grand prize. I wish more little ones would have that much confidence in themselves. Who knows what they could accomplish.

Nolan  AUGUST 12, 2021
This is our favorite scene.

Angela from Los angeles JULY 6, 2021
What a beautiful commercial! I was so happy to see something so different nowadays. Every time this commercial comes on I stop whatever I am doing to watch and I shared it with my family. Good job!

Anonymous JANUARY 5, 2021
Soooo cute!!!

Arizona MAY 6, 2020
I love how much confidence the little girl has in herself

Sentinel from Ghana AUGUST 22, 2019

George harris from NY AUGUST 16, 2019
I love this ad bring that grand prize trophy home baby 👧.god bless all of u. When i hit the lottery im going to definitely pass it on.luv u guys.

bob from Ohio JULY 4, 2019
She reminds me of my daughter also. She is a doll baby.

Olga I Pacheco from Florida MAY 30, 2019
This one reminds me of my daughter when she was about this age . Just love it 😍

Anonymous MAY 24, 2019
I love this!!!!! Please continue!

Cynthia from Michigan MAY 23, 2019
Love this ! <3

Jane from Ghana  MAY 14, 2019
Wonderful girl she believe in herself.

Hello  APRIL 10, 2019
She is so cute and i knew she was going to get that plus she will win I believe in her

Anonymous DECEMBER 15, 2018

Anonymous NOVEMBER 22, 2018
i loveit because she is following her dreams

Anonymous NOVEMBER 12, 2018
you made me cry so much

Emilie from Indiana JULY 30, 2018
Love this.

Kathleen Hunter from Fairfax. Va  JUNE 14, 2018
Very proud of Justin who has worked very hard to turn his life around. One positive step at a time. Love this.

Dia from Ohio FEBRUARY 23, 2018
This is my granddaughter, E-, in a few years. She already has the attitude, she just needs the costume & the dance lessons!

Debbie from Georgia FEBRUARY 11, 2018
What a terrific message

Kendal Hawkins DECEMBER 22, 2017
So cute and I will pass it on

Anonymous NOVEMBER 14, 2017
I love that video!!!!!!!!!!! Make al your sweet dream come true #1

PUG MAY 4, 2017
She is so adorable!<3

demiyah from ambers MARCH 2, 2017
i love the show it was cute

Mikey from School  NOVEMBER 18, 2016
Confidence is the key

Anonymous NOVEMBER 14, 2016
never mind

Anonymous NOVEMBER 14, 2016
This is to anyomys i think thats how you spell it it is the song born to be somebody by justin beiber. (look on youtube)

Jessica from RI NOVEMBER 14, 2016
i love the song at the end and i like that she belives that she will win.

jennefer from ri OCTOBER 31, 2016
aw she belives in herself even when she hasn't won.

Anonymous OCTOBER 28, 2016
really good commercial

bianelli  OCTOBER 27, 2016
she shows confidence by already putting in her head that shes going to win

Jesse from RI OCTOBER 27, 2016
It's short, but good nonetheless. I do believe she's a great example of someone who shows confidence when in a opposition, so much so, I find it kinda charming.

Crystal from Fredericksburg, VA AUGUST 28, 2016
All kids and adults should see this!

Alexa.m alexander from Cheboygan Michigan  JULY 1, 2016
How cute hope she got the trophy

Christine from Sayreville,N.J. JUNE 9, 2016
believe in yourself

Joshua from 19110 FEBRUARY 23, 2016
This video is so beautiful

Julie NOVEMBER 15, 2015

Anonymous OCTOBER 9, 2015
that is so cute and what is that song at the end of the video

Anonymous OCTOBER 8, 2015
that was pretty cool

cesceliem. from ny SEPTEMBER 29, 2015
sososo cute

Damon craft from cal SEPTEMBER 28, 2015
the video was great

jasmine from kanata,ontario SEPTEMBER 21, 2015
she is sooooooo cute!awwwwwwwwww!

Brayden from Txt SEPTEMBER 10, 2015
I'm so inspired

awww.that was so cute

NULL from NULL JANUARY 24, 2015
Sooo cute :) that was a beautiful video

NULL from NULL JANUARY 20, 2015
Justin beiber sang born to be some body

aljon silatan from phillipines MAY 31, 2014
That was the very inspiring video i ever saw. I will confidently pass it on!.

Rosy gregory from Laredo Tex's  MAY 26, 2014
This a great ice breaker with my students Dwi and drug offender It show a positive life stle chanfe

victor ochoa from cummig ga APRIL 9, 2014
beautiful examples

Rachel from florida FEBRUARY 25, 2014
LOve that song

Papa Gator from Tallahassee, Florida 32311 JANUARY 29, 2014
Children are the future and if this attitude is spread among them there will be greater things in the future.

patpape from WVWSD Kingston Pa JANUARY 28, 2014
I look forward each morning to reach the Value of the day. I actually print it and post it in our school faculty lounge with hopes that everyone will read it to make us all better people. Your comments help me re-discover how grateful I am andhow much I appreciate all that I have. I e-mail them to friends and people I feel that need a lift in life....and maybe the situation is not so bad. Focus on the positive and let go of the negative! Thanks for you!!!

madhoor from india JANUARY 28, 2014
really nice

Carolyn from Nebraska JANUARY 27, 2014
Love your billboards and e-mails. And I love this commercial ! It made me tear up and get goose bumps. (means the angels approved!)

Paris from Bremerton, WA JANUARY 27, 2014
This is very sweet and I do like it. But it made me wonder: Why does it seem that we lose that somewhere between childhood and adult? At least we have you to lead us back!

June Radicchi from Central Coast of CA JANUARY 27, 2014
Beautiful, of course. In order for this way of thinking to be adopted these videos should be shown in grammar school and in Parent meetings.

Danielle DeLange from Wausau Wisconsin JANUARY 27, 2014
This is an amazing comertial about confidence and im an 11year old!

Charlotte from Columbus, IN JANUARY 27, 2014
The world needs so much more of what you do to inspire all ages!

Penny from Georgetown Texas JANUARY 27, 2014
Love it! And Love your Daily emails! Thanks!

Christine Hartley from Wyoming JANUARY 27, 2014
Wonderful ballet/confidence video. Looking forward to the time that spreads the value that all families matter.

Pete from West Bloomfield, MI NOVEMBER 20, 2013
LOVE it!! Our ballerina is a young adult now but I loved watching her dance. And the Dad's line.... brilliant!

Jennifer from 8389 medowlark dr NOVEMBER 17, 2013
You keep beliving in yourself

Aileen Gay from Hartsfield, GA NOVEMBER 15, 2013
Still loving your ads!

Be sure to watch our other Pass It On® videos.