Old Friends

Set to a song by The Judds, "Love Can Build a Bridge," this spot represents people with different points of view united by a common bond. They might get together on a regular basis to enjoy each other's similarities and appreciate each other's differences. The bond they share is also a fun one. The setting is outside in a park where this kind of meeting might be more likely to happen - and food is always a good thing to get together over.


WOMAN: My father taught me a lot about life without ever saying a word. When I was a little girl my friends were all just like me. His never were.
JEW: Hello, Hello.
CHRISTIAN: Didn’t you bring them, George?
JEW: I thought you were going to.
CHRISTIAN: No, no. I brought them last time.
JEW: You are right (laugh) I forgot! All right, all right.
WOMAN: I used to wonder why would a Jew, a Christian, and a Muslim ever get together?
JEW/CHRISTIAN: It was him!
WOMAN: And then I got it, they had a lot more in common than donuts.
MUSIC: Love can build a bridge, love and only love, between your heart and mine.
ANNCR/SUPER: Friendship… Pass it on. A message from The Foundation for a Better Life.

Friendship. Pass It On!

Pass It On®


Your Comments
Ted from Love state of mind MAY 25, 2021
As a pastor I say yes that’s right pass it on

George harris from NY AUGUST 16, 2019
Love it

Brian from California  DECEMBER 24, 2018
This is wonderful. I love seeing these positive, possible relationships. We all have more commonalities than differences. Thank you.

Anonymous NOVEMBER 6, 2018
Love it!!!!!! =)

Peter from San Diego JANUARY 28, 2017
Basically only in America, this doesn't happen in Europe or the middle east

Lisa from Caldwell, Idaho AUGUST 30, 2016
These messasges matter, and touch loves. Keep em coming.❤

Claudia from Wilhelmshaven, Germany JUNE 5, 2016
Love and Friendship, if we have this, we cannot be called "poor"

NULL from NULL JULY 8, 2015
This video shows us that not matter the economic situation or religion beliefs in order to have a good friend, who will be with you in every moment.

Ceil from Amity Hill, NC JANUARY 22, 2014
Are you seeing from the heart?

Samara and Seth from Fms SEPTEMBER 26, 2013
very nice

faatima from anaheim SEPTEMBER 10, 2013
I love this, some times i just came to the computer because of it and watch it, because we have a lot more in common than a donuts it is so right.

ANGELLA from FL JULY 21, 2013
the greatest commandment LOVE

Andrew from Fort Lauderdale MARCH 21, 2013
I would like to share this video with many of my friends, who are Jewish, Christian, and Muslim! I tried to search it on youtube but I couldn't find it. I will try to email the link of this page to myself and test it....but it would be great if it were available and posted on youtube. It could increase the number of views to the tens or hundreds of thousands...a good idea for your visibility.

Julie from Florida MARCH 10, 2013
Beautiful Message. Difference in religion has been the cause of so much violence and wars. It should never be this way. But if you look beyond any differences, you see people with common ideas, personalities, and interests.

Lauren from Baton Rouge NOVEMBER 26, 2012
This is something that I would LOVE to see. We all can/should be friends.

Andrea from Seattle OCTOBER 3, 2012
How do I share this video on my Facebook? Great message!

John Daley from Redondo Beach, Ca SEPTEMBER 14, 2012
Poignant. Especially today.

Wolfpack from Charlotte, NC SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
We hope this inspires people to have peace with different races, beliefs, and Gods.

abdoolkayum from mumbai, india APRIL 26, 2012
Path breaking....great message!

A beautiful message, creatively presented.

Louise from az JANUARY 5, 2012
loved this commercial. we need to get away from racism and realize that we have can come together if we let ourselves. Thank you

fatima from usa JANUARY 1, 2012
i almost thought there is no one who understands me but watching this commercial makes me dream even higher, i know now there are people like you who know Muslims are people who have hearts. i am sorry about all of the past stigmas against Muslims and I just want hug everyone. i was hopeless and depressed

ibrahim from canada NOVEMBER 9, 2011
this is my dream

Laura A. from Winston-Salem, NC SEPTEMBER 29, 2011
This is one of my favorites...so true that our commonalities are more numerous than our differences. If only we could all look past the differences to see it.

skinjan from Barbados AUGUST 21, 2011
This is so beautiful, it brings tears to my eyes every time I hear or see it. Pass it on.

Ashley from baraboo,wi AUGUST 11, 2011
who cares what religion you are! It's the same as different races and elasticities of children being friends

Rachel from Houston, TX JUNE 5, 2011
This is so beautiful. Wish that everyone can quit acting like fools and accept each others differences. So what if your not the same religion! That's your business!

Annonymous from NO APRIL 7, 2011
This video is a special one..... it proves that differnt religions can still hold one thing... fun! Just because you are a little bit different doesn't mean everything is!

Hal from Kansas MARCH 15, 2011
This is a great spot and it shows that we need to look not at what makes us different, but what we have in common. My friends and I are friends because we have things in common. Thank you for showing us to look beyond the surface.

Ray A. from Miami, Florida FEBRUARY 18, 2011
I want to show my teacher these videos :) they are so inspiring and I think its how our world should be today.

Tyron Sarmineto from Palawan, Philippines  DECEMBER 2, 2009
Powerful message. Here in the Philippines we have Islamic and Christian people. I pray to the LORD that we have peace in our LAND.

Bev M. from Canada DECEMBER 28, 2008
Simplistic and powerful, create spot and message.

Jarwanto NOVEMBER 20, 2008
I saw your ads on Supreme Master Television. The World needs more people like you, reminding people about positive and noble aspects of life - which is the true value of life. Heaven smiles on your endeavor. Love.

Caroline N from Netherlands OCTOBER 9, 2008
I think this one's the best!

BpRt from Lehighton, Pennsylvania USA FEBRUARY 21, 2008
Before this commercial, I used to think differences keep people apart. Now I realize that's exactly what brings them together. Thanks

Enrico P. from Jakarta, Indonesia OCTOBER 31, 2007

Anonymous SEPTEMBER 14, 2007
That is an amazing commercial. It shows that you don't have to be just like someone to be their friend. Tolerance is good, but acceptance and love are better!

reema from palestine JULY 21, 2007
We are all human...

spanish-immersion-excursions@hotmail.com from Cuernavaca, Mexico MAY 22, 2007
Hi, I live in Mexico where I see your wonderfull PSAs! Can you tell me where the one with the Rabbi, Muslim and Catholic Priest was filmed? It looks like Santa Monica or an LA beach.

Charity W. from Los Angeles, California MAY 5, 2007
This is such a beautiful and well needed message that deserves to be brought to the door step of every American as we grow more and more culturally diverse.

Be sure to watch our other Pass It On® videos.