
"Taxi" was based loosely on true events witnessed by a member of the FBL staff. It was a snowy night in New York City, and difficult to get a cab. A man and a woman stood, each trying to hail a cab, several feet apart. They didn't notice each other, until the cab pulled up between them. There was a brief argument, but in the end the man let the woman have the cab. The script was developed from the question, "what if one of the characters had acted differently, and shown compassion from the beginning?"

This spot was a challenge to shoot. The director, actors and camera crew can't wait around for it to rain - the rain had to come to them. Rain trucks with large nozzles were used to shower down water in a very large radius in front of the camera. This way, the camera and crew were able to stay dry. But for the actors, it was a very wet scene. The filming of "Taxi" needed several takes, after which the actors would get into dry clothes - and then have to do it all over again. Our main character hailing a cab needed a number of changes of clothing and sessions with a hairdryer to dry himself off -- so he could be ready to get soaked again. It was October, and getting cooler at night but the actors and the spot turned out fine.


MAN: Taxi!
ANNCR/SUPER: When you can’t do it all, do what you can. Compassion for others, Pass it On. A message from The Foundation for a Better Life.

Compassion. Pass It On!

Pass It On®


Your Comments
Cheryl from Tacoma, WA OCTOBER 20, 2019
We need more of this in today's world.

Florence Parker from Syracuse NY APRIL 10, 2019
Wonderful, people need to show more concern for others, this is a great start, hopefully people will watch and learn.

love from yourself! NOVEMBER 15, 2015
wow we can all be nice like him

Bobby Hill from Texas AUGUST 20, 2014
This reminds me of dad

Jim Platt from Salt Lake City, Utah AUGUST 15, 2013
What a magnificent surprise. My great granddaughter and I delivered our "taxi" in downtown SLC for a commercial shoot. As a youngster she got to see how they made rain, and how the shot was such a learning experience for her...for me? I had no idea who the commercial was for or if we would ever see it. Lo and behold these years later to find it and remember a special night for a little girl...I will post with a huge smile.

Noah from Louisiana OCTOBER 30, 2012
Oh, hey, my dad's a taxi driver! *watches video* *finishes watching video* Aaaaaaaw! :D that was cute!

anabela S. from mexico OCTOBER 8, 2012
This one is so sweet and kind I love it!

lilly from callirado  JUNE 5, 2012
I think that was the right thing to do if all the people did that it would be great! But standing up and doing the right thing is sometimes right. Do the right thing pass it on!

Heather Mcintire from Hooks Texas MAY 12, 2012
This is the first commercial like this. I was in the hospital having my first baby,and I've loved it ever since and think that everyone should put others first like that. Its a wonderful example of how to treat people.

Rachel Boettcher from Arizona APRIL 6, 2012
That man is very sweet to let the woman and her daughter have the cab.

lily:] from condo MARCH 11, 2012
that was very nice

aiza from philippines SEPTEMBER 8, 2011
thank you i have a lot of inspirational quotes that I will share to my facebook have a great day more bless

Alexis from mms SEPTEMBER 2, 2011
i think that man was nice :]

Adam M. from Virginia JANUARY 22, 2011
This is the first one i saw on tv!!

Larry C. from Halifax, Nova Scotia MARCH 19, 2010
For 40 years I worked as an announcer/producer in radio. I enjoyed creating commercials. What a delight it is to see yours, made for the *right* reasons. Bravo!

Keith G. from Morristown, NJ AUGUST 27, 2009
I truly believe that with just a little compassion from each of us around the world we would have a much better place to live no matter where you live! Just be willing to GIVE and stop expecting to receive.

Meika from Manhattan, New York APRIL 14, 2009
I've seen something like this happen. I live in New York city as well and I was on a Bus and all the seats were occupied buy these high school kids and a woman, who was pregnant, came on to the bus with shopping bags and no one offered to even let her sit so when I saw her standing I got up and offer her my seat. As the woman sat everyone looked around at her then back at me and I didn't care. They needed to see what good manners and kindness is.

MarybelV from Orange County, CA MARCH 13, 2009
These commercials are so inspirational. If more people followed this advice, our world would become such a better place so quickly.

Bev M. from Canada DECEMBER 28, 2008
The hard work shines through, this is very well done!

Donald from Paris AUGUST 2, 2008
I love the smile the little girl gives the man. It is genuine and the greatest reward he could have asked for.

Bob C. from Aspen JULY 2, 2008
I was watching TV and this ad came on and I was so touched by it that I immediately went to my computer to access the website. My goal is to touch as many lives in a positive manner as possible and the 'theme' of this ad is exactly what our message in my life and Company are!

Debbie M from Georgia APRIL 24, 2008
I was working on a puzzle and thought about changing the channel but didn't. This commercial came in almost immediately and it actually made my day. Thank you for these gentle and wonderful reminders.

Lady Samm from Toronto, Canada JUNE 19, 2007
If only people could see beyond the raindrops, beyond the storms... Whatever we do in kindness, blossoms ten fold in the moments and minutes ahead. I am looking forward to the next downpour!

Ben Jones from Virginia MAY 12, 2007
This was probably one of the first of your spots that I saw on TV and I really admire you guys for doing this. I think if we all do just a little bit to help, this world would improve so dramatically.

Be sure to watch our other Pass It On® videos.