Jacob H

Jacob is a very special, very wonderful man who always goes above and beyond what is expected of him. You see Jacob is a lead crew member for a local construction company. And one day at work the roof came crashing down on two of his co-workers. Trapping them beneath weight that no man can stand for too long. Jacob, without even a second thought, jumped to the ground - grabbing a ladder to help him prop the roof - he lifted the wood. With one hand propping the roof and with the other hand pulling the two men to safety. These things may be small but to me it's just something that this kind man would do without even a second thought. And I just think that things like this should be noticed. Thank you for taking the time to hear about my hero.

Submitted by Anonymous

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Your Comments
NULL from NULL MAY 19, 2015
I wish all husband-wife would b like this. So their kids pass on this treasure to their descendents. Mr. ANONYMOUS, you know what this is what everyone crave for & u had a luxury of it. Simply amazing. - Sayali S. (Mumbai)

Lourdes V. from Sunrise, Florida MARCH 14, 2009
I've heard couples that withhold from having children because they consider them an expense rather than an asset. I was overwhelmed myself with my first son but now that I'm going to have a fourth child, I've learned how children are NOT materialist unless they are taught that way.

Esther from Nova Scotia MAY 19, 2008
Wow, not only did your parents know the secret to a happy life but they were able to pass it on to you. A truly happy ending!

Rose B. from La Trinidad, Philippines MAY 7, 2008
Everthing will be left on earth. So what's the problem in worrying? Live life to the fullest, but in a simplest and affordable way. It is not how much, but it is how to make others happy.

Davidkay Oji from Port Harcourt, Nigeria APRIL 15, 2008
How I wish everyone could learn to keep life real simple. All these extra baggage we carry about or strive to take on doesn't add more value to life really. We only succeed in loosing the real values of life instead.

Fay C.N. from Barbados JANUARY 29, 2008
It was truly inspirational reading about a couple brave enough to commit to each other. In these times where cynicism and self-centeredness are so prevalent, it gives one hope to learn of a simple yet effective tool in relationship building: simplicity.

Kirthishri M. from Bangalore, India NOVEMBER 28, 2007
Most of us think that our happiness lies in being rich. Happiness doesn't lie in materialistic things. Try to live the life of simplicity for one day... you can know what warmth actually life contains!

Ciely A. from Cavite, Philippines SEPTEMBER 23, 2007
Yes, priorities...the stuff of which life and joys are made of...Many Thanks for sharing

Patricia C. from California, USA SEPTEMBER 19, 2007
In a troubled time, this piece touched my soul. After loosing battles and a home, I would wonder: is life meant to be this difficult? Simplicity of life reminded me of what I discovered through pain and suffering. Now my home is wherever my heart is. Life is simple, we often complicate it.

Apaga S. from Kampala, Uganda SEPTEMBER 19, 2007
What an excellent and inspirational story! It is exactly what one faces at any moment in life.

Ernest A. from Accra, Ghana SEPTEMBER 18, 2007
Believe you me, I am sure that's what life should be all about.

Paras B. from Surat, India AUGUST 26, 2007
If we live this life treating everyone as our family member, we will not feel alone in the world. Sorrows can be nullified by sharing. Happiness can be multiplied. Everyone should try to think that who amongst us is more needy. I am very much impressed with this story.

Hilda T. from Zamboanga City, Philippines AUGUST 23, 2007
Simplicity of life is the key to feeling real joy, even though you don't have much wealth to show others. As long as your happy...that's perfect!

Kirthi V. from Bangalore, India AUGUST 23, 2007
I am happy to see this story because even my dad made us grow in that way....we are brought up with values giving less importance to money.

Lata M. from Kerala, India AUGUST 21, 2007
How true! What matters most in your life is the time you spend and the love you share with your family. The greatest happiness I have experienced in my life is when I am with my husband and my sons.

Anil Tambe from Pune, Maharashtra, India JULY 25, 2007
This small piece reminded me of the simple life style chosen by Mr Murthy and his wife Sudha of the IT giant of India, Infosys. I have read a note on their life style of a middle class family and it is unbelievable. Then what happens to the millions they earn. It goes to the family trust looked after by Mrs Sudha Murthy. The trust is helping many large and small projects. Sudha says that to live life happily as a family one does not require huge amounts of money. It require huge amount of moral values and love. So, simplicity is the answer.

EunHye K from Korea JULY 21, 2007
Just the story I needed. Money, money, money... there surely are some more precious values than that. Definitely!

S.S from Vienna, Austria JULY 9, 2007
Thanks to this story the very thought of simplicity is awakened in our hearts. Now we shall maybe know what life is about. "Everything that glitters is not Gold". Maybe now we'll know that the real gold in our life, is our family, a life long precious gem which we must remember and treasure like a given gift! Thanks.

Gerald from United States JUNE 6, 2007
I am grateful for this story and those who have shared their time, and commented. I realize now my wealth in this life are my friends, family, and community--everything else (security, money, diplomas, etc.) are extra surprises in the gift of life.

Gill from Kenya JUNE 5, 2007
now that's simplicity.

Alicia M from Dubai MAY 27, 2007
I hope it's not too late for everyone to realize that this is all what matters in life and nothing will stay forever but the love of your own family.

saudia reyes from philippines MAY 27, 2007
The greatest thing in my life is my family. Its very rare to see a family living like that marriage. Your family is like mine. God Bless

Saudia R from Philippines MAY 27, 2007
The greatest thing in my life is my family.

charie from philippines MAY 15, 2007
A good example of real family, a home to be called, and a family to be cherished. This is what kind of family i ever dreamed of!

Ologe Cecilia from Nigeria MAY 12, 2007
Yes this is truly worth refelecting on. We spend most of our time running after things that are not important though we think they are, and forget about those that needed us most - Our family.

Lzl R from DUbai MAY 7, 2007
Yes indeed. Simplicity gives us more space to see life's real beauty... love, peace and harmony with our family, friends and inner self.

santosh dham from Pokhara, Nepal MAY 6, 2007
simplicity is a virtue to be interpreted correctly, and not to be misconstrued as a negative point in present era of materialism.

mayowa afolabi from nigeria MAY 4, 2007
life is so so simple

Jenny from Philippines MAY 3, 2007
What a nice insight! I wonder if there are still many, if not few, who have the same experience. This is a gift: the choice to live a simple life!

Solomon Johnson from Nigeria APRIL 30, 2007
What I believe for better life, is not to do what you like but to like what you do. This is the secret for better life. Thanks.

Anonymous MARCH 21, 2007
Materialistic world... after ruining the West, this sort of culture is on us In India, of late. Though it is prevalent in cities, it is spreading its tentacles on small towns as well, thanks to satellite TV.

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