John L

The hero I knew was my father, John. My ex-husband had abandoned my two children and me. My parents gave up their jobs and home and moved across the state to help me. We lived together for a long time as I struggled to make it. My father had headaches almost every day of his life. One day, I got a call from my mother that he had collapsed at work and was at the hospital. When I got there, he was in ICU. The doctor told me in front of my father that he had an aggressive brain tumor and had six months to a year to live. My dad looked at me and said, 'At least this wasn't a car accident. We have time to say goodbye. I am lucky to have had five years with my grandchildren. Most grandparents can't say that." He passed away almost six months and two brain surgeries later. He was a truly brave soul and taught me a lesson we are never taught, how to die.

Submitted by Anonymous

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Your Comments
kt from michigan AUGUST 26, 2013
Beautiful, absolute calm i feel from this writing. You are blessed with a wonderful famiy and wonderful experiences. The biggest blessing is the way you are able to identify, and hold these experiences so close to you in your life. You are a beautful writer.

Vickie L. from USA MAY 10, 2012
This story is lived by me and a certain lil bear ..smiles of love ..

Tammy P. from Tennessee JANUARY 4, 2012
I was looking for an inspiring true love story to read and this was it. It really touched my heart, reminds me of how my grandparents were, so sweet.

Emily B. from Florida OCTOBER 11, 2010
This is such a moving story. I have a similar relationship with my boyfriend and its something I wish every man and woman could experience once in their life! I cried when I read this. Great story!

Scott E. from North Carolina SEPTEMBER 11, 2010
Great story! If you like it, you may also enjoy wooden SHMILY tokens. Visit:

Allie S. from Alabama JUNE 19, 2009
This story made me cry.. I recently began to believe that love was just a four letter lie, but this story showed me that it's real and it's out there just waiting. Thank you for that.

Vanessa from Singapore APRIL 5, 2009
A very touching story. Brought tears to my eyes, as it did to others. A minute fighting/squabbling is a minute of loving wasted. Thanks for sharing.

Rebecca from Canada MARCH 8, 2009
Thank you so much for sharing this story. Through the tears I'm crying because of your spectacular story, I feel hope that true love does exist: it is not just in fairy tales. With a little determination and effort, two people can indeed be happy together forever.

Bellina from South Africa FEBRUARY 11, 2009
This story left me without words. Thank you for sharing with the world.

ZB from Los Angeles NOVEMBER 17, 2008
You touched my heart - what a beautiful story... Thank you so much for sharing!

Norman O. from Cayman Islands OCTOBER 25, 2008
Wonderful love story. Thanks for sharing. Each day is indeed a blessing and your grandpa and grandma surely knew and appreciated that.

Loo from Singapore AUGUST 18, 2008
This is really a very touching story. Such love is almost impossible in this time and date.

Joy from Philippines JULY 21, 2008
This is what the world needs now-- lasting, true love. Thanks for sharing!

Jing Deng from Singapore APRIL 7, 2008
It's such a touching story. I am glad to have found such a well written beautiful story.

Jim J. FEBRUARY 3, 2008
What a wonderful story about love enduring over the ages and how two people kept reminding each other of the same. It also brought tears to me, they're streaming down my cheeks as I type this. My wife of 25 years and I are going through a very difficult time right now and just wish and pray that somehow I could find a way to get her to understand shmily.

Cindy B. from USA JANUARY 30, 2008
Unfortunately we do not see this KIND of love in our society today. This is good lesson for people to learn. Thank you for your story.

Weckle M. from Olongapo City, Philippines DECEMBER 14, 2007
Absolutely.... WONDERFUL!!!!! very Stunning!!! GREAT LOVE...

Jolianis from Malaysia DECEMBER 12, 2007
I cant help it, the story just bring tears to my eyes!!!

Saira Q. from Pakistan NOVEMBER 15, 2007
WOW......This is an inspirational story for the new generation. We should acknowledge that our family is the most precious asset of our lives.

N.S. from India OCTOBER 23, 2007
I just had a breakup after eight years of a relationship and I really don't know whether there is true love or really feels good to read such good things about love.

Sha V. from Philippines OCTOBER 23, 2007
Thanks for sharing this story. I couldn't stop myself from crying. They made an effort to let each other feel appreciated and loved till the end of their journey in life. To everyone who is reading this, may you find the time to show your love and let your love ones see how much you love them.

Joyce K. from Singapore OCTOBER 20, 2007
This is a beautiful story! Such an amazing relationship shared by two people...It's the little things that we do to show our love for one another that really goes a long way in our relationship with our loved ones. Thank you for sharing the story and reminding us how simple true love can be.

Chad W. OCTOBER 17, 2007
Thank you for sharing this story. I'm sitting at work crying like a baby after reading it.

Maureen M. from Florida, USA OCTOBER 12, 2007
That story is so heartwarming. Thank you for sharing it with the world. May we all learn from it.

Anonymous OCTOBER 11, 2007
This is just beautiful. It brought me to tears. Thank you!

Milton, B from Jamaica OCTOBER 8, 2007
SHIMILY - simply magnificent.

Anonymous OCTOBER 8, 2007
I found this story several months ago, and just re-read it again today. I got chills! Again! This is so beautiful. I wish everyone would read it.

Saudia R. from San Jose City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines OCTOBER 7, 2007
As I read it I was wondering what "shmily" means. When I reached the end...duh!it make me smile. Very good story indeed. I will share this with my friends.

Keith B. from Toronto, Canada OCTOBER 2, 2007
This touching story reminds me to be grateful for every moment I have with my amazing wife because I do not know when will be the last.

Chill D from Philippines SEPTEMBER 26, 2007
Touching and a very wonderful story... it shows their Unconditional love and devotion to each other. I really love the story.

Dr. Purva C. from Mumbai, India SEPTEMBER 15, 2007
This story surely reinforces the universal truth that true love never fades with time, it only brightens up ur life further and makes you feel younger by every passing moment.Reading this moistened my eyes and touched my soul, making me believe in the power of pure emotions. Thanks!

Laura G. from Selma, North Carolina USA SEPTEMBER 11, 2007
What a great story! I love it; I cried because I need to feel that same kind of genuine love! This is absolutely one of the best love stories! Whew!

Linda T.P. from Plymouth, Michigan USA SEPTEMBER 10, 2007
I cried because it was so special but yet sad when she passed. It's so special to find that one person to share life with. I love true stories like this.

Anonymous SEPTEMBER 10, 2007
Impressive! I like it so much!

Phuong H. from Adelaide, Australia SEPTEMBER 10, 2007
A beautiful story. I haven't had the chance to experience it or the privilege to witness it, but I consider myself lucky to hear about it.

Anonymous SEPTEMBER 8, 2007
I was about to cry. Wonderful story.

Aida Q. from Australia AUGUST 25, 2007
What a inspirational story. I hope that one day I will love and be loved the same way in return.

Kirthishri M. from Bangalore, India AUGUST 22, 2007
No words to express how awesome the story is! My eyes are filled with tears. How magical love is. Live life to the fullest for you are going to live just once.

lisa from philippines AUGUST 22, 2007
Such an inspiring love story. It makes you see that in this world, nothing matters but love. . . . true love.

Nikki from Newcastle AUGUST 8, 2007
This story really is very touching.It made me cry! It shows they must have loved each other deeply. :)

Leuma. W from New Zealand AUGUST 5, 2007
Well what a great story, it makes me appreciate what I have in front of me and showed me what I take for granted everyday.

henrietta Lepiten from philippines JULY 31, 2007
Such story is so familiar but this one is really different very eye-catching and heart-beating..i love this story..

una vuetaki from suva, Fiji JULY 29, 2007
Very inspiring and encouraging

yii from Malaysia JULY 29, 2007
Really a touching story. It reminded me to appreciate every moment we spend time together.

Amy M. from Washington JULY 19, 2007
Let this story also be a lesson to us that love is a choice. It takes hard work and dedication! Your Grandparents both made a choice every time they found their "Shmily" and passed it on.

Jacob J from United States JULY 17, 2007
This story is very meaningful because my wife and i do the very same thing with a different word.

Emily E from nigeria JULY 15, 2007
Love is really simple and real. For those who don't believe love really exist, this story is an eye opener. It has encouraged me to love more than I ever do, it is so wonderful a story

harriet l from UGANDA JULY 15, 2007
Oh, what a wonderful love they had.

Judy k from Kenya JULY 14, 2007
This is a gift that is rare to find today, I do wish I had the chance to witness this kind of Love you are lucky keep the memories of their love burning is powerful it will heal your today wounds thanks for sharing!

Joan .N. from Nigeria JULY 13, 2007
Wow! I'm marvelled! Quite a great & true love they shared. Just saying..thanks for your story. We all are challenged to love!

sophia.D from chennai JULY 11, 2007
i wept when i almost finished the story.. i never knew that love could be so deep.

Anne from Singapore JULY 7, 2007
The story nourishes my true love and commitment to my relationship. I really appreciate it.

Hitesh R from Jodhpur, India JULY 4, 2007
An amazing story of love and selfless dedication. I like this site just because of stories like these and how these little stories can bring smiles & tears of joy in our life.

Gibson M from Blantyre, Malawi JUNE 29, 2007
It got me speechless. What a lovely, touching story. How I wish we could all have such kind of love.

Yanna J from Blantyre, Malawi JUNE 19, 2007
That is a beautiful and extremely touching story. This is really what I need right now, to know that true love is out there. Thank you!

Titus O. from NIGERIA JUNE 18, 2007
This story moved me to say wow!!! That was encouraging.

Anonymous JUNE 16, 2007
I really am crying right now!!!! That is a beautiful and extremely touching story! This is really what I need right now, to know that true love is out there. Thank you!

Gerald T. from United States JUNE 6, 2007
I could only say "thanks" for touching my heart in such a deep way, and for true hope.

Althea from India JUNE 4, 2007
Felt astounded - love is simple, we complicate it. Life is beautiful when shared with the one who loves you much more than anyone can fathom.

Lisa F from New Zealand JUNE 4, 2007
This story made my heart feel so heavy, I was raised by my grandparents and this has reminded me of how much I love them and that I appreciate everything they have done for me. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this is a very touching story.

Meaghan M from Victoria JUNE 3, 2007
I wept as I read this touching love story to my children and would be truly blessed for them to be fortunate enough to have a relationship as beautiful as that. To have such a love for each other would be a wonderful gift to pass onto your children. Love is a wonderful thing, especially when you give it away.

malihe bayat from iran MAY 31, 2007
awesome, what a wonderful story! it reminds me of my love towards one who he loved me alot,as my father.we were going to get married but his parents prevented us and departed us from eachother. he has such a love towards me that he was worried if some day i die before him what should he do?he wants god to take care of me and wants god if somebody is supposed to die it would be him.this story stroke my heart deep and burst me into tears...

Priya from Tobago MAY 24, 2007
If I am fortunate to experience that type of love in my lifetime I would be eternally grateful.

Annette S. from Little Rock, AR MAY 23, 2007
On Saturday I am getting married to a high school classmate after 30yrs and a horrible first marriage for me and two for him. I feel just like the couple in the story. I love him like fire on a flame. I will use the story in our self written marriage vows. He often sends me letters, cards, or gifts that say this is a "Just because I love you"...etc. Thank you for the wonderful stories.

Harish Reganti from Chennai, India. MAY 17, 2007
Awesome. No other word(s) can fully express my feelings.

charmie from philippines MAY 15, 2007
Thank you for bringing back my faith. Your grandma was a very lucky girl! How I wish I had the chance to meet either one of them.

srisurya from j b malaysia MAY 14, 2007
Such a wonderful story. Makes me feel the wonders of LOVE.

shreya from india MAY 13, 2007
It's truly heart touching. I'm left speechless

Makhamba M from SOUTHAFRICA MAY 11, 2007
To me they both lived a successful life. A life filled with love. It brought a tear to my eyes.

maha from j.b., malaysia MAY 10, 2007
How touching!!! True love...for eternity!!! I'm impressed. Thanks for re-installing my faith in love. :)

jolene c from South Africa MAY 8, 2007
This is the most amazing story I have ever heard. It reminds me it's the simple little things in life that count most. Just saying I love you!!!

Lavina C. from India, Mumbai MAY 7, 2007
It's really an amazing endless love story. It has really touched my heart.

susan h from somerville, ma. MAY 5, 2007
I think it's a blessing to have someone who really loves you. Special things like that can make you more happier. Reading touching stories always makes you feel good. Everybody needs to be loved and doing cute things like hiding little notes around the house it brings you closer together.

Mary D. from N. Ontario, Canada MAY 2, 2007
This story put a smile on my face and a tear in my eye! What wonderful love and faith between two people.

cat c MAY 1, 2007
Brought tears to my eyes. That is beautiful.

Fran R from Barbados APRIL 29, 2007
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story of love. Shmily has been as elusive as a butterfly in my life but I am yet hoping.

ochel from philippines APRIL 29, 2007
it makes me smile. what a wonderful love story. indeed.

Pawan N from Udaipur, India APRIL 27, 2007
Wow!! It is so touching. I got tears in my eyes.

Cori M from Indiana APRIL 26, 2007
This story is amazing! An excellent example of what love really is. When two people fall in love it should grow stronger with time. This story really showed me this.

ave d from philippines APRIL 20, 2007
ohhhh my!!! what a wonderful story... i can't help but cry upon reading it... simple little things makes people so happy, so in-love and so attached to each other...

shaila from jeddah MARCH 29, 2007
wonderful! this story made me realise that there is a thing called true love in the world. now i came to know that all these days i had a vain hope that there is no true love left in the world. after ending my teenage [years] i hope i too will find someone who i will be able to share a true love with. whoever u r, thnx for your precious story.

Aimee M from Japan MARCH 28, 2007
That is the most beautiful story- tears welled up. It is the simple things in life- that make it all worth it, and of course- knowing how to pick em!

Utah, USA MARCH 23, 2007
Thanks for sending the sweet story. I was moved to tears!

Bob from Oregon MARCH 23, 2007
Boy, I dont normally comment on this type of thing. But, this is a touching story. I think it is the little things like this that make relationships last. We all need a little Shmily in our lives.

Anonymous MARCH 22, 2007
Wow! What a simple thought can create such a major emotion between two people. What a cute tradition that was started because two people fell in love.

Anonymous MARCH 21, 2007
What a wonderful story - brings tears to my eyes!

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