13-Year-Old Boy Sells Xbox, Works Odd Jobs to Purchase Car for His Mother

13-Year-Old Boy Sells Xbox, Works Odd Jobs to Purchase Car for His Mother

May 2, 2022 by By Cathy Stack

FENLEY, Nevada—William Preston, 13, showed wisdom beyond his years as he found a way to help his mother. He knew she had been feeling incredible stress and financial strain, and he considered what he could do to help. He decided to trade in his Xbox, a prized possession, and combine the proceeds with money he earned working odd jobs around the neighborhood. The funds allowed him to buy his mother a car as a gift.

William’s mom, Krystal, has been adjusting to life as a newly divorced single mom. After losing her job and struggling financially, she began looking for better paid work in a different part of town. At the time, however, she did not have any reliable means of transportation and a could not afford a car. 

William overheard his mother telling someone how a car would solve most of her problems. He recognized the many sacrifices she made to provide for their family, and he felt compelled to pay her back and help her in some way. 

He secretly devised a plan to save enough money to purchase a car for his mother. He started working additional odd jobs around his neighborhood, such as yard work and lawn mowing. 

One day, an advertisement on Facebook Marketplace caught his attention: A woman had listed her 1999 Chevrolet Metro for an inexpensive price. He quickly contacted the seller and asked if he could possibly trade in his Xbox for the car, in addition to some cash he had saved. To William’s delighted surprise, the seller accepted his offer. 

William arranged for the seller to park the vehicle in his driveway to surprise his mother. He then coaxed Krystal outside. She felt confused when she first saw the car, and William explained that he had purchased the car for her. Krystal assumed her son was playing a practical joke and laughed it off. “Yeah, right!” she quipped. 

The truth settled on her when she saw the seller in their front yard, waiting to give them a test drive. 

“I lost it. I bawled so bad. I was just like, ‘There’s no way,’” Krystal recalled of the emotional gift from her son. 

"You're my mom. I wanted to help," William assured her. 

The seller handed the car’s keys and paperwork to Krystal, who was still in a state of shock.  Mother and son then excitedly drove off together in their white 1999 Chevrolet Metro.

Krystal said that she is one proud mom. Her son’s selfless gesture came as a happy surprise, but she said that William naturally seeks to help others. For example, in 2017, the community recognized William for his work to help local seniors. At that time, he fixed broken lawnmowers and provided yard work and cleanup help to elderly neighbors.

PassItOn and The Foundation For A Better Life believe that William is a hero. His action is a great example of the value of family. His generosity and compassion show us that empathy and care for our parents can begin at any age.  Please help us celebrate young hero, William Preston, by sharing his inspring story. 

Watch video here:  https://youtu.be/QSkUKWFGI1Q

photo credit: Facebook


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Your Comments
Lynise L Tarring from Hilo, Hawai'i  MAY 3, 2022
William, you are my Pride and Joy of what HOPE is. You truly gave me a ray of sunshine to know what being who you really are is sincerely from your heart. God Bless you!