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Andy B. from TX JANUARY 3, 2014
We are not "here for a reason" and do not "have a mission in life." It is WE who CHOOSE what to do with our lives, for good or for ill. The key is making the right choices. We only get one chance at life, so it's as simple as being part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
Tony B from TX JULY 27, 2012
Only in the end of this life, will you remember who you really are. How did you spend this life? What soul values did you gain from this life? Please remember you are here for a reason. We all have a mission in this life. Find yourself within. Your soul only speaks from the heart, it can not make choices for you, your mind makes the decisions. Souls are eternal and this earth is our school. The key is Love.
Bill from Savannah Ga JULY 9, 2012
There exists a quality within us that the pale cast of thought cannot think away. This I believe is what is meant by rational soul.
Mary from Santa Monica, CA NOVEMBER 16, 2011
Soul is the essence of who we are, and remembering that we came from Love ... choosing to live each day walking in love instead of fear.
Cc from East bay, CA JULY 11, 2011
How does the soul get cleaned?
Katrina from Florida JUNE 22, 2011
Soul is the sum total of everything in an individual that is intangible. It is all the memories, hopes, beliefs, and values of a person's life, indeed any living thing's life. It is the part of us that lives on in our interactions and our legacies.
Rosie M.M. from Miami,Fl APRIL 29, 2011
When I look upon my Grandbabies, I see soul in the sweetest form.
Faith from Philadelphia JANUARY 22, 2011
Try not to look at the physical being of a person, because when life is over, it isn't your body that goes with you. It isn't your body that is judged, and your body isn't going to matter one bit. It's your soul; your personality; your spirit; your heart that will be looked at. Everyone has a soul. Can you see through it?
carol from tennessee JANUARY 5, 2011
Soul is the essence of your being. When embraced, it can bring greater joy to all those around you as you share that unique and specialness about yourself.
anonymous from USA JANUARY 4, 2011
To have soul means that you also have spirit.
Jack S from Colfax,IA MAY 10, 2010
To live your life will save someones soul.