“I don't dwell on my age. It might limit what I can do. As long as I have my mind and health, it's just a number.”
Nola Ochs
“The body is like a piano, and happiness is like music. It is needful to have the instrument in good order.”
Henry Ward Beecher
“Your body is the harp of your soul and it is yours to bring forth sweet music from it or confused sounds.”
Kahlil Gilbran
“Exercise to be fit, not skinny.”
Marika Tiggeman / Mia Zaccardo
“It’s up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.”
Steve Maraboli
“The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience. Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around... Throughout history, tender loving care has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing.”
Dr. Larry Dossey, M.D.
“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.”
Thomas Carlyle
“To me, good health is more than just exercise and diet. It’s really a point of view and a mental attitude you have about yourself.”
Albert Schweitzer
“The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all parts work together.”
Health is important in every day life.
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